The Ministry of Constitution and Law, headed by the Minister, Mr. Dr. Damas Ndumbaro, the Tanganyika Law Office under its President, Advocate Boniface...
Ukonga constituency is proposed to be divided and a new constituency of Kivule is created.
The Dar es Salaam Regional Consultative Committee (RCC) led by...
A member of the National Executive Committee of the Revolutionary Party (CCM) through the Hamoud Jumaa Parents' Association (MNEC), has said that the four...
The Government through the Ministry of Information, Culture, Arts and Sports in collaboration with the e-Government Agency (e-GA) is completing the final stages of...
Dodoma: Dodoma Urban Constituency MP, Mr. Anthony Mavunde has donated 50 computers and 50 printers to government secondary schools in Dodoma City as well...
The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has announced the commencement of the process of examining, delimiting and renaming electoral constituencies where it will begin...
📍Mpunguzi, Dodoma: Dodoma Urban Constituency MP Mr. Anthony Mavunde has handed over the Grape Farm project to the Masokoni Women Traders (UWAWAMA) as a...
The President of Zanzibar and Chairman of the Revolutionary Council, Dr. Hussein Ali Mwinyi, has said that the Government will continue to support the...