- Chairman of the Board of the International Institute dealing with issues of Global Education (GPE), retired President, Dr. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete with Ms. Mamta Murthi, the World Bank’s Vice President for Human Development when they met at the Bank’s headquarters in Washington DC, USA. The right is Vice Chairman of the Board of GPE Ms. Christine Hogan

2. Chairman of the Board of the International Institute dealing with issues of Global Education (GPE), Dr. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete speaking to he Leaders and Employees of the Institute at the GPE Headquarters located at the World Bank Offices, Washington, USA. Next to him is the Vice Chairman of the Board of GPE Mrs. Christine Hogan and Chief Executive Officer Ms. Laura Frigenti.

3. Chairman of the Board of the International Institute dealing with issues of Global Education (GPE), Retired President Dr. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete in a group photo with the Leaders and Staff of the Institute at the GPE Headquarters located at the World Bank Offices, in Washington DC, USA.