The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Energy and Minerals has called on the Ministry of Energy to continue properly managing the Julius Nyerere Electricity Generation Project (JNHPP) so that it is completed on time.
This was said by the Vice Chairman of the Committee, Mr. Kirumbe Ng’enda at the end of the week during a visit to inspect the implementation steps of the project which will generate 2,115 megawatts once completed.
“The Ministry should continue to carefully manage this project so that all Nine machines can be completed and activated as planned”, said Mr. Kirumbe

The committee has congratulated the government for ensuring that the remaining machines continue to be completed and work where three machines have been completed so far that produce 705 megawatts and machine number six is in the final stages of completion.
Deputy Minister of Energy, Ms. Judith Kapinga has said that the Ministry of Energy has been working in collaboration with the Parliamentary Committee, including receiving instructions, advice and recommendations from the Committee.
“The major task of the Committee is to manage us the government and we make sure that all your instructions are implemented and its success is seen in various projects like JNHPP whose project implementation has reached 98 percent”, said Mrs. Kapinga
Mrs. Kapinga said the Ministry of Energy under the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Energy, Dr. Doto Biteko will continue to manage the project provided it is completed on time and that the project contractor has already been paid approximately 6.3 trillion shillings out of the 6.5 trillion shillings that should be paid.