Thursday, March 6, 2025
HomenewsupdatesA committee should be formed to investigate the Babati land dispute

A committee should be formed to investigate the Babati land dispute

The Regional commissioner of Manyara, Ms. Queen has asked the District Head of Babati Mji, Mr. Lazaro Jacob Twange to create a small committee that will discuss the land dispute between the people of the village of Kijiji and Mrs. Anna ofufuo Ulomi as an investor, a conflict that has lasted for 18 years.

Allegedly, Mrs. Anna ofuo ulomi is legally recognized as the legal owner of land for an area of ​​2 hectares in the village of Kiongigi after it was handed over free of charge by the people of the area with a written document to be an investor by digging a well for the people for clean water, cleaning the field of Youth sports and building booths for entrepreneurs.

Speaking at a special meeting of Kijigi Cha Kiongigi called by the Regional Commissioner of Manyara, Mrs. Sendiga, Chairman of the village, Mr. Thomas Lohay Duwe has said that the villagers went to the area of ​​Mount Tlamp and held a protest claiming that the area of ​​the village’s land has been taken by 10 hectares against the previous agreement between the investor and the people.

The land investor Mrs. Anna offuo ulomi

“I have found this conflict, but in this area according to the documents we had, it is true that he asked for 2 hectares in a letter in 2006/2007 and in that letter there is a condition that was given to him after an agreement between him and the villagers for a long time passed until 2010, 2014 Citizens they protested to claim that their area is being taken for more than 10 hectares.

He said, the previous regional leadership dealt with the crisis and did not bear fruit while claiming, Mrs. ofuo Ulomi was ordered by the Government to demolish his buildings in the area of ​​2 hectares that he requested because he violated the terms of the contract and it appears that he also invaded the land of the mountain area against the law.

Villagers and leaders made efforts to return the area invaded by the investor and until now it has brought the benefits of building a village office due to the income obtained after the area returned to the hands of the people.

Mrs. Anna ofuo ulomi has admitted to being given the land while giving the reason for not fulfilling the requirements of the agreement including the area to dig a well, lack of water while denying accusations of owning land in the Tlamp mountain area against the law and claiming that she wants compensation if the law requires her to be removed from the area.

“A meeting was called to introduce, I asked for an area of ​​2 hectares and to take care of the mountain in front of us. That’s the letter that was answered in 2007. The area was measured through the Director’s office, but the area of ​​the mountain was not measured because it is a government property. I developed my area without conflict until 2019. I received a complaint from the citizens were called to the governor’s office and asked me to demolish the house so that the area would return to the village government”.

And, Manyara Regional Lawyer, Mr. Jackson Kisaka has said that after monitoring and satisfying himself, they found out that the area of ​​the mountain was measured against the law and that the area should return to the people to grow, Mrs. Anna ofuo Ulomi has broken the agreement with the people.



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