MINISTER OF MINES Mr. Anthony Mavunde has made clear the revenue collections for the Financial Year 2023/2024 which is 753 Billion Shillings while banning foreigners from entering the licenses of small scale miners.
Minister Mavunde has also announced a special operation for dishonest employees and asked the Secretary General of the Ministry of Mines Engineer Yahya Samamba to take immediate action when he presents the names of these employees.
Speaking at the beginning of this week in Dodoma, Minister Mavunde said that in the period of 2023/2024, the Ministry of Mines through the Mining Commission planned to collect a total of Sh 882.121 billion from the sources specified in the Mining Law Chapter 123.
He has mentioned the sources include Royalties, Annual License Fee, Mineral Inspection Fee, Geological Fees, Laboratory Service Fee and payment of various penalties.
He said, in the period from July, 2023 to June 30, 2024, the Mining Commission collected a total of 753.815 billion shillings equal to 85.45 percent of the planned collection target.
“These collections are equal to an increase in the amount of 76.080 billion shillings compared to the money collected in the 2022/2023 financial year where the collections were 677.734 billion shillings with the aim of collecting 822.018 billion shillings,” said Hon. Damage

Minister Mavunde has said that from the Financial Year 2019/2020 to 2023/2024, the collections have been increasing year by year and give us confidence to achieve the goals of collecting 999.998 Billion Shillings for the financial year 2024/2025.
“A while back, the Ministry was collecting a small amount of funds compared to now, for example, in the 2014/2015 Fiscal Year, the Ministry had the goal of collecting 209.957 billion shillings and managed to collect 168.043 billion shillings.” said Minister Mavunde.
He said in the fiscal year 2015/2016 the collection target was 211.957 billion shillings and succeeded in collecting 207.917 billion shillings.
“However, within a short period of time we are witnessing an increase in the collection of resources resulting from mining activities, this change is a great achievement that all stakeholders in this sector should be proud of,” said Minister Mavunde.
Minister Mavunde has announced a special operation for small-scale mining license holders to enter into informal agreements with foreigners and allow them to work using their licenses.
He said, licenses for small scale mining are given to Tanzanians only in accordance with Article 8(2) of the Mining Law, Chapter 123.
Section 8(3) of the Mining Law, Chapter 123 has made it clear that for the owner of a small mining license, when he needs technical assistance that is not available in the country, he is allowed to enter into an agreement with a foreigner to get that service after the agreement approved by the Mining Commission.
However, he said, the major effects resulting from disregarding section 8(3) include many small miners who were continuing with their mining activities in the relevant license are affected by lack of employment, losing their capital invested during mining also brings hatred to their Government .
“It is forbidden for license holders to enter foreigners without having contracts and permission according to the law, strict measures will be taken, we will carry out a special operation RMO’s (Regional Resident Mining Officers) if this happens in your region until the Minister or Deputy Minister arrives, and you collect your bags,” emphasized Minister Mavunde.
Also, Minister. Mavunde has condemned fraudulent activities in the mining business as well as the smuggling of minerals carried out by a few people who, in their actions, set back the government’s goals.
“The Ministry will continue to take strict action against all parties who are found to be involved in mineral smuggling,” said the Minister. Mavunde and instructed the Secretary General of the Ministry of Mines, Engineer Yahya Samamba to take immediate action against dishonest Mines employees.
“There are employees at the regional level who are not honest, they help the loss of income. Secretary General, I will bring you the names, take action immediately, we cannot tolerate them,” he said.
He has instructed the resident mining officers of the regions (RMO’s) each to collect the resources properly according to the target he was assigned to achieve the collections of 1 Trillion Shillings for this financial year 2024/2025.
Minister Mavunde has said that a total of 2,648 licenses and license applications have been canceled and that soon the open areas will be announced so that local and foreign investors can apply for areas to invest and develop them.