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HomebusinessBVR Kits 4,257 to improve Shinyanga and Mwanza voter register

BVR Kits 4,257 to improve Shinyanga and Mwanza voter register

Mwanza, A total of 4,257 BVR Kits have been distributed in Mwanza and Shinyanga regions for the exercise of improving the Permanent Register of Voters which is expected to take place in those regions from August, 21 and 27 2024.

A member of the Independent National Electoral Commission who is also a High Court Judge, Mrs. Asina Omari said this in Mwanza region this week and added that among the BVR Kits, 3,590 will be used in stations and 667 are for reserves.

“A total of 7,562 officials will be involved in running the exercise in Mwanza and Shinyanga, that number includes regional enrollment coordinators, council level enrollment officers, council level assistant enrollment officers, ward level assistant enrollment officers, biometric equipment operators and assistant writers “, said Ms. Asina.

Based on the population and housing census data for 2022, the Commission expects to register 400,082 new voters in those regions.

“Shinyanga new voters expected to be registered are 209,951 and Mwanza are 190,131”, Mrs. Asina said.

He has called on the citizens of those regions who have reached the age of 18 and those who will reach that age by the date of the General Election of 2025 and who need to improve their information to come forward early and stop coming to disturb the last days.

The launch of the exercise to improve the Permanent Register of Voters was held in Kigoma region on July 20, 2024 where it went in parallel with the start of the first cycle of improvement in the regions of Kigoma, Tabora and Katavi. The second round continued in Geita and Kagera regions. During the exercise, voter registration centers will open from 2:00 am and close at 12:00 pm.



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